Elevate Your Comfort

Elevating the air conditioning category

Everyone knows the unparalleled bliss of walking into a perfectly air conditioned room from the oppressive heat outside. But in a category where everyone knows the benefit, shoppers are often completely stumped at the difference between products. And while price points can differ dramatically, the products’ inner workings are incredibly uniform and some competitors even share practically identical logos. To maintain its position as a category leader, Mitsubishi Electric needed to rise above the competition in the eyes of everyday consumers.


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Our challenge was two-fold: create an air conditioning campaign for the summer, and define Mitsubishi Electric as the go-to brand name when it comes to quality engineering. Leveraging the word ‘electric’ to distinguish the brand from other seemingly identical Japanese multinationals. We delivered a new brand platform, ‘A life more electric’, and focused every detail on the feeling of electric — equal parts exciting, soothing and premium. We also developed a sonic brand sting to connect Mitsubishi Electric’s many diverse offerings beyond air conditioning. Continuing our mission to portray the feeling of ‘electric’ across our entire output for the brand, we created a simple but visceral portrayal that first wave of air conditioning caressing your skin on a summer’s day. The body relaxes. The day’s travails disappear. It’s a little bit magic, almost like you’re floating. This visual metaphor doubled as one for the brand’s elevated offering in the category too. By elevating Mitsubishi Electric’s brand and primary consumer offering to new heights, we delivered the largest year of sales in the company's 50-year presence in Australia.

Brand platform

Print ad

Bus wrap
