I love money

It’s okay to love money when it’s invested with heart.

Money has always been considered the root of all evil, but it can be a force for good when invested ethically. Our platform, Invest with heart, has a double meaning, talking to the goodness of our customers, but also their strength of character and conviction.


Shorty Impact
Financial Services
Shorty Impact
Integrated Campaign
Shorty Impact
Shorty Impact
'I love money' Brand 30" TVC

We wanted to make sure this campaign - and its message - stood out. To do that, we introduced the world to four larger than life characters, each with an unapologetic love for money, but for surprisingly ethical reasons. This made for a distinctive, fun TV ad, and some striking out of home executions.

15% YoY membership growth

13% increase in brand awareness

28% increase in ad recall YoY

Photography by Karima Asaad


Photography by Karima Asaad


Photography by Karima Asaad

'I love money' Managed Funds 15"

'I love money' Super 15"

'I love money' ETF 15"

Photography by Karima Asaad