Love Amidships is a short film designed to be viewed on two screens, a desktop computer and a smartphone, at the same time. This is an experiment in storytelling where the lead character calls you, the viewer, from within the film via a FaceTime call. It's a lament on what it means to fall in love as a gay man and uses the words of Stephen Fry from his memoirs More Fool Me. The film was originally created for YourFry, a project that allowed creative communities to remix Stephen Fry's words into something new.
I’m intrigued by our love affair with our mobile devices. We huddle around these little screens and they’re fast becoming the way we interact with and navigate through the world. The idea of video calls is now so commonplace that I wondered what it would be like to tell a story over two screens, where your mobile device augments the main viewing experience of watching a film.