Watch a film. Save a culture.

A billboard that dramatised a disappearing indigenous culture.

The Mentawai Tribe of Indonesia was losing their culture to the modern world. Rob Henry had spent 9 years living amongst the tribe, learning about their unique culture and creating a documentary. His film, As Worlds Divide, was available for download on a pay per view basis (“Watch a film. Save a culture”). Our brief was to drive awareness of the film and the issue through advertising.


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The billboard at Flinders Street Station (Melbourne)

Having secured a free spot at The Wall in Flinders Street Station (via JCDeceaux) we created a concept that would show how the Mentawai Tribe’s culture is slowly disappearing and getting replaced by the modern world. We dramatised this disappearing culture in a visual way by showing the tribal tattoos, jewellery and clothing disappearing.

Disappearing Facebook post